Economic Sectors


China’s Natural Resources: Bottleneck Despite Sheer Volume?

First and foremost, it is obviously impossible for a country the size of China not to have impressive natural resources. However, in light of the fact that out of the 7.7 billion people who inhabit this planet, over 1.4 billion (almost 1 of 5) are Chinese, it is just as obvious that the resource consumption


China’s Processed Rare-Earth Products: A Geopolitical Bargaining Chip?

Time and time again, analysts try to point out that China has a lot more to lose in a US trade war scenario than the United States due to the significant trade surplus China keeps experiencing, a trade surplus which might end up being crippled by measures such as tariffs and a wide range of


The Chinese BAT: Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent

As far as Western consumers are concerned, perhaps those one can consider tech-savvy have heard about this Chinese trio, colloquially referred to as the BAT group: Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. Everyone else… not so much, despite the fact that roughly 60% of the time spent by Chinese Internet users online ends up being related to


China’s Service Sector: An Increasingly Important Growth Engine?

As an analyst who is interested in thoroughly covering China, the most frustrating aspect associated with addressing concerns is represented by the various myth one has to inevitably debunk. One of the top myths, perhaps the number one culprit, is that China is overly-dependent on industrial production and in the mind of the average Westerner,


China’s Industry and Manufacturing Sector: Past Performance vs. Current Trends

China’s industry and manufacturing dimension is a textbook example of a sector that has experienced tremendous growth, with output having risen more than 300% over the past 10 years and currently sitting well north of 100 trillion CNY. Despite its impressive size and the fact that it accounts for almost 50% of global manufacturing output


China’s Agriculture Sector: Past, Present and Future

You can say a lot about the development of a nation by analyzing its agriculture sector, more specifically the percentage of its GDP represented by agriculture. In China’s case, the fact that agriculture went from representing roughly 50% of China’s GDP prior to Deng Xiaoping’s 1978 reforms to less than 10% at this point, with


China’s Tech Industry: From Copy/Paste to Innovation

It’s not exactly a secret that the early days of China’s tech industry, just like the early days of pretty much all of its other sectors, revolved around let’s say “importing” technology if we were to be elegant, whereas others (especially US entities) would most likely choose more blunt terminology. In other words, something which


China and Exotic Assets: From Domain Names to Cryptocurrencies

There are quite a few jokes floating around asset management circles about the lack of sophistication exhibited by the average Chinese investor compared to more experienced investors from the West. But… well, the joke is on them because this lack of sophistication is temporary at best and in some cases, such claims actually turn out


How Likely Are Chinese Investors to Pay for Asset Management Services?

According to McKinsey, the Asian wealth market will most likely at the very least double by the year 2025, overtaking the United States with its $30 trillion+ value. With entrepreneurship becoming more widely-spread and an ever-increasing class of high net worth individuals emerging, it should come as no surprise that China is poised to grab


The 2019 State of Investment Funds in China

From $5.3 trillion in assets under management at this point to an expected level of $9.3 trillion and beyond by 2023 (according to the Oliver Wyman consulting firm), the sector is poised to continue booming in China, especially in light of the increased flexibility the authorities are displaying due to the demographic realities of china