China Growth


Will China Always Be Commodity-Hungry? Commodities from a Chinese Perspective

It is pretty much impossible to be a commodity trader or otherwise in the commodity business without having a firm grasp on “all things China” for the simple reason that Chinese demand has been the number one variable in the commodity equation for an extended period of time. Entire commodity-oriented business models have been built


Can China Represent an Alternative to Excessive Western Regulation?

As shocking as the concept may seem, China can indeed end up representing a better jurisdiction from a regulatory perspective in quite a few cases but right off the bat, we want to make it clear this doesn’t mean it can be considered a perfect one, not by a long shot. Instead, we would like


(Why) Is China a Peaceful Soft Power?

An alternative title for this article could have also been “Is China (still) a peaceful soft power?” or “Why is China (still) a peaceful soft power?” for those who are more convinced, because the key to understanding the message we are trying to get across revolves around realizing that despite China’s impressive GDP, it is


(Why) Is China the Top Beneficiary of Globalization?

Frustrations surrounding an alleged “free ride” that certain countries have been getting as a result of globalization have been building up in the proverbial West for quite a while, with the year 2016 being perhaps a textbook example to that effect in light of two events which have both proven that a significant segment of


“Gamers” in China: The Remarkable Growth of China’s Online Gaming Sector

With an impressive $4.25 billion in gaming-related revenue projected for 2020 (a 0.8% YOY growth rate) and roughly 325 million gamers (a 2.1% YOY growth rate), it should come as no surprise that the stakes are remarkably high when it comes to China’s online gaming industry, in light of it representing the global leader in


The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)… Industry?

In its journey toward (economic) world domination, China needs any edge it can get and in the eyes of the Beijing authorities, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) represents just that: something China-specific that can be used as an economic growth engine. For the sake of clarity, please note that this is not a medical article and


China’s (Booming) Vitamin and Dietary Supplements (VDS) Market

The Vitamin and Dietary Supplements market represents yet another example of a booming industry that China is poised to dominate, with Roland Berger data indicating the fact that the market is expected to find support north of $40 billion by 2023, boasting an impressive 14% CAGR. These figures should (of course, this is dependent on


Life Expectancy in China: Past, Present, Trends and Implications

There are few metrics which make it more obvious just how far along China has come than life expectancy-related ones. In the first half of the sixties for example, the average life expectancy at birth in China was well over 50 years, in line with severely under-developed nations. It was only as of 1966 that


There’s No Business Like (Chinese) Show Business? A Glimpse into China’s Entertainment Industry

Here at, we have developed the habit of mentioning the fact that longing Chinese assets without meaningfully “betting” on China’s rising middle class is a sub-optimal strategy at best. For reasons which range from China’s growth model transitioning from production/exports/infrastructure to domestic consumption to a wide range of metrics which paint the picture of


China and Germany: Macroeconomic Paradox of Thrift?

The idea of being “responsible” with your finances, whether we are referring to personal finance or the finances of a nation, has been the status quo (financial) goal for centuries upon centuries. For an individual, this means spending less than you produce and setting a little something aside on a regular basis. For a country,