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Meritocracy in China: Meritocratic Society or Dunning-Kruger Effect on Steroids?

Say what you want about let’s call it Western society but for better or worse, a valid case can be made that meritocracy contributed to the current dominance (economic and otherwise) of the West. Whether meritocracy took the form of capitalism (the proverbial American dream, if you will) or socialism (in Northern Europe, with different


Is China Tolerant… or How Tolerant Is China?

Misconceptions and misrepresentations abound to such a degree when it comes to China that the average Western observer is oftentimes left scratching his head. For example, he might read one article about “communist China” today and tomorrow, another one which praises China for actually being more capitalism-oriented than let’s say many European nations in certain


China and the Eurasian Customs Union (EACU) / Eurasian Economic Union (EEU): From Rhetoric to Substance?

Before reading this article, we would recommend heading over to our post about the economic relationship between Russia and China, a post you can read by clicking HERE. Without reiterating what was already stated in the post in question, an important statement needs to be internalized so as to understand the true nature of the


Will (or Can) China Become a Democracy?

Those familiar with “all things China” and especially loyal ChinaFund.com readers have undoubtedly realized that a lot of things have either changed or are in the process of changing over in China. Whether we are talking about a transition from production and export-led economic growth to a consumption-oriented one or to cultural aspects such as


(How Much) Would Economic Sanctions Hurt China?

To avoid misunderstandings and make things perfectly clear right from the beginning, this article pertains exclusively to Russia-style sanctions aimed at potentially isolating the Chinese economy. It does not refer to more or less “tit for tat” trade war measures, such as those initiated by trading partners such as the United States and covered extensively


China and Germany: Macroeconomic Paradox of Thrift?

The idea of being “responsible” with your finances, whether we are referring to personal finance or the finances of a nation, has been the status quo (financial) goal for centuries upon centuries. For an individual, this means spending less than you produce and setting a little something aside on a regular basis. For a country,


Is China (Over) Reliant/Dependent on Russian Natural Resources and Commodities

Right off the bat, it is important to state that this article doesn’t cover China and Russia’s trade relationship in general, there is already a post about just that which can be accessed by clicking HERE. Instead, our (apparently simple) goal revolves around tackling two questions: Is China reliant or even dependent on Russian natural


Geopolitical Hot Spots and… China?

Whenever discussions surrounding geopolitical hot spots such as the Middle East or North Korea emerge, most experts usually end up choosing a binomial “United States vs. Russia” perspective. Indeed, it is quite remarkable how China is almost always the entity portrayed as the adversary of the United States from an economic perspective but on the


(More or Less Perceived) Chinese Double Standards and Ambivalence?

When embracing a new jurisdiction such as China as an investor, it is without a doubt important to wrap your head around a wide range of new let’s call it jargon: administrative regions, industry-specific particularities, you name it. However, while it is without a doubt important to understand the words that are being used, it’s


(When) Should You Sell Your Chinese Assets?

Right off the bat, it is important to point out that this article refers to simply selling assets that you currently hold as opposed to short selling. When it comes to short selling in general and short selling Chinese assets in particular, there is a separate article dedicated to just that on our website, one