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The Trajectory of Chinese Assets After the Next (Global) Financial Crisis?

If you were expecting this to be an article which starts out with questions and gradually works its way toward answers, you will be disappointed because we will be answering the question which constitutes the title of this post right from the beginning: the trajectory of Chinese assets after the next financial crisis will most


China’s Natural Resources: Bottleneck Despite Sheer Volume?

First and foremost, it is obviously impossible for a country the size of China not to have impressive natural resources. However, in light of the fact that out of the 7.7 billion people who inhabit this planet, over 1.4 billion (almost 1 of 5) are Chinese, it is just as obvious that the resource consumption


Establishing a Business in China 101

Whether you are interested in establishing a business yourself or simply want exposure to Chinese assets, it would be wise to understand (at least broadly speaking) what the framework is with respect to the Chinese business interests of foreign entities. While China has had various initiatives with goals revolving around making it easier for foreigners


China’s Legal System: From Legislative, Executive and Judicial Functions to… the CPC

When referring to the politico-economic system of China here on ChinaFund.com (and pretty much everywhere, for that matter), the term “socialism with Chinese characteristics” is frequently used. The “with Chinese characteristics” dimension is crucial when it comes to our brief analysis of China’s legal system because the more research you conduct on China-related topics, the


China’s “Emerging” Middle Class?

The average Western investor tends to raise an eyebrow when analysts use terms such as “emerging” to describe China’s middle class. How can the middle class of the world’s #2 nation by nominal GDP be… emerging? The answer is straightforward and lies in simply understanding what the Gross Domestic Product actually measures. Without going into


How Powerful Is China’s Current Leader, Xi Jinping?

To eliminate potential confusions right from the beginning and gradually present arguments, the answer is simple: extremely powerful, possibly the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong. It should therefore come as no surprise that for the year 2018, he was considered the most powerful leader in the world by Forbes, dethroning Russia’s Vladimir Putin.


What the Gross Domestic Product Does and Doesn’t Tell Us About China

China’s GDP, with its projected value for 2019 at around $14.2 trillion according to the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook, makes it clear we’re dealing with an economic superpower. According to the same source, China’s GDP is expected to grow by over $1 trillion each year until 2023 and most likely beyond. While it


The Top 10 China-Related Myths We Should FINALLY Acknowledge

The average financial pundit has about as much data-backed insight on the Chinese economy as an elephant has ballerina characteristics. Frankly, most Western analysts are guilty of simply perpetuating stereotypes which were either never accurate to begin with or which used to make sense years or decades ago but are anything but valid at this


China’s Processed Rare-Earth Products: A Geopolitical Bargaining Chip?

Time and time again, analysts try to point out that China has a lot more to lose in a US trade war scenario than the United States due to the significant trade surplus China keeps experiencing, a trade surplus which might end up being crippled by measures such as tariffs and a wide range of


The Chinese BAT: Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent

As far as Western consumers are concerned, perhaps those one can consider tech-savvy have heard about this Chinese trio, colloquially referred to as the BAT group: Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. Everyone else… not so much, despite the fact that roughly 60% of the time spent by Chinese Internet users online ends up being related to