Economic Sectors


China’s Military Capabilities: From Past Suboptimality to Present-Day Strenght and Future Potential

As a bit of a historical perspective, we would recommend reading our article on China’s military sector before analyzing this one. If possible, it would perhaps be a good idea to also read our article about NATO’s more than complex relationship with China and after reading both, the following conclusion will inevitable emerge: the idea


The China Internet Security Law: Necessity or Perfect Excuse?

As a business owner who is interested in tapping into China’s huge market, you need to understand you may very well be one legislative action away from having to pack up your bags and leave (among other things, can help you gain some much-needed legislative clarity before making business-altering decisions, something arguably more important


(Anything but) Worrying China-Related Energy Consumption and Production Trends?

A recurring theme here on is represented by the idea that being stuck in the past is in no way conducive to wise investment decisions. In other words, the economy of China mustn’t be viewed in a linear manner, a manner which revolves around the assumption that the nature and pace of China’s economic


China’s (Grossly Misunderstood) Mining Sector

It’s quite remarkable how slow to adapt even sophisticated analysts can be when it comes to China. As ironic as it may seem, some of the same people who grossly underestimated Chinese demand for various mining-related products and services for decades are now just as eager to be overly optimistic when it comes to present


China’s Tourism Dimension: From Stereotypes to Economic Impact

Whenever the topic of Chinese tourism arises, it’s hard to resist the temptation of making a tongue in cheek reference to the various stereotypes involving Chinese tourists who obsessively take pictures of various landmarks. Behind those stereotypes, however, lie numbers which paint a remarkably clear picture: there is a tremendous amount of money on the


China’s Great Firewall: From Ideology Enforcement to Trade Barrier?

China’s Great Firewall represents yet another example which makes it clear that investors who view China through a Western lens will be in for more than a few shocking surprises. As much as the Internet has been a massive source of freedom in the Western world pretty much right from the beginning, it has been


China’s Retail Sales, Disposable Personal Income and Consumer Spending – Metrics for a Transitioning Economy

Perhaps the number one mistake analysts tend to make when trying to understand China’s economy pertains to simply acknowledging certain facts in a superficial, quasi-axiomatic manner. They read the right charts, draw the right conclusions but don’t internalize the importance of the mega-trends they’ve just been exposed to. If you ask them about China’s infrastructure,


China’s Infrastructure Investments: Facts, Myths and Context

Few forces can even come close to competing with China’s infrastructure spending in terms of domestic and international impact. Unfortunately, as it tends to happen with generation-defining narratives, inaccurate information abounds. From those who underestimate the importance of infrastructure spending when analyzing China’s GDP growth pattern to analysts on the other end of the spectrum,


The Future of China’s Future: The Chinese Education System

It’s a quasi-axiom that by investing in its education system, a country is essentially investing in its future. From (relatively distant) historic examples such as Adam’s Smith work back in 1776 (when he claimed that the wealth of a nation lies not in the resources it can exploit but rather in the productive capacity of


China’s Military Sector: From Modernization to Tackling Corruption

For an extended period of time, before Deng Xiaoping’s post-1978 reforms started kicking in, the Chinese military industry was best described by insiders as being in a “golden rice bowl” situation or in other words, receiving a significant percentage of China’s GDP but always somehow needing more and asking for more. Deng Xiaoping decided it