China Growth


Is China (Over) Reliant/Dependent on Russian Natural Resources and Commodities

Right off the bat, it is important to state that this article doesn’t cover China and Russia’s trade relationship in general, there is already a post about just that which can be accessed by clicking HERE. Instead, our (apparently simple) goal revolves around tackling two questions: Is China reliant or even dependent on Russian natural


(For How Long) Can China Rise Peacefully?

As mentioned in other articles, many of the vocal adversaries of today’s China have been willing to tolerate and even support China’s economic growth for an extended period of time (not just years but downright decades). Fast-forward to the present and we see China being painted as the proverbial economic as well as (geo)political


Arbitration in (Mainland) China: Effective Solution or Bureaucratic Nightmare?

When analyzing a jurisdiction from a business perspective, it makes sense to dedicate enough time to the arbitration dimension as well rather than simply refer to court-related solutions. As pretty much anyone who has been at least somewhat involved with any court system can confirm, this solution is oftentimes not only a bureaucratic nightmare but


Is China’s Economy a Ponzi Scheme?

Quite a few analysts have voiced concerns that China’s economy is essentially a Ponzi scheme which needs perpetual growth to sustain itself. From the (in)famous South China Morning Post op-ed of Jake Van Der Camp to a wide range of criticism by Kyle Bass and other financial media opinion formers, it has become clear that


(Why) Does China Devalue Its Currency?

It is difficult to think of a field more affected by hypocrisy than economics and in the spirit of just that, we are convinced most readers are well aware of the fact that China tends to be portrayed as the “monetary bad guy” for devaluing its currency, with many Western counterparts (from government officials to


Chinese Universities: Evolution, Reach/Penetration, Potential and Challenges

Whenever “dissecting” national economic success stories with a reverse engineering state of mind, education tends to be an important common denominator at the very least, perhaps even the most important one. This is because, as economists such as Adam Smith have made clear centuries ago, the wealth of a nation doesn’t lie in the natural


(Why) Are Chinese Social Media Sites/Platforms (TikTok and Many Others) Gaining Traction?

We have covered Chinese Internet success stories rather diligently here on, anything from referring to the (in)famous Chinese BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) to explaining why domestic Internet companies are beneficiaries of China’s oftentimes controversial (from a human rights or let’s say freedom perspective, if you will) legislative action. For the most part, the average


Is China a Maturing or Mature Economy/Market?

Only the most recklessly optimistic investors would have assumed that the let’s say pre-2010 economic growth trajectory of China can be maintained indefinitely, with yearly GDP growth rages in the double digits. While such a trajectory was not only possible but downright required back when China was a much poorer nation if the country were


Can (and Will) China Influence Other Nations?

Those of us who live in let’s say less than dominant countries (nations which have never been economic or military superpowers) like to believe our history was remarkably unique. Realistically speaking, however, that is usually not entirely true. Why? Simply because an economic superpower does not merely export products and services, it also tends to


Could China Collapse? A Socio-Politico-Economic Perspective

“Yes, thank you for reading” would be a superficially straightforward answer. Here at, however, those of you who are not first-time readers are most likely well aware of the fact that we pride ourselves in digging deep. And in precisely that spirit, we want to make it perfectly clear right from the beginning that