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(Financial) Fraud in China: How to Avoid Portfolio-Disrupting Scams

When it comes to financial crimes committed within China, the laws at least (even if the efficiency of the authorities with respect to applying them can sometimes be questionable) are very strict and as such, a valid case can be made that a strong legislative disincentive exists. But as far as laws that pertain to


To Short Sell or Not to Short Sell: Should One Short Chinese Assets?

In a previous article, we have made it clear that in China (most likely more so than in more established Western jurisdictions), both extremes of the investment spectrum are well-represented: from genuine long-term opportunities to more or less reckless short-term speculation options. Through this post, we will be taking a closer look at the latter


Investment vs. Speculation in China: Is Any Trend Your Friend?

One of the top mistakes investors make when allocating capital (toward Chinese assets or any other asset class, for that matter) is lumping all assets of an asset class in the same category. Or assuming that just because an asset class is doing well, every asset you touch will turn to gold just because it’s


Navigating Through Propaganda in China… and Elsewhere?

As stated ad nauseam here at ChinaFund.com, investors who are genuinely interested in gaining exposure to Chinese assets have a lot of legwork ahead of them (either that or, of course, working with consultants such as us) if they are serious about generating sustainable results. From understanding the multiple facets of the Chinese economy (something


China’s Top 12 Insurance Companies – A Brief Overview

In an earlier article, we have made it clear why insurance is one of the best-positioned industries in China for a wide range of reasons, from demographic ones (the elephant in the room, perhaps) to smaller-scale variables. Re-addressing this issue would not constitute a proper use of our (limited) time, so we will limit ourselves


A Glimpse into China’s Booming Insurance Industry

We have referred to a wide range of secular mega-trends here on ChinaFund.com, some of which can be considered… well, problematic, for example China’s aging population. However, even the challenging ones have quite a bit of upside, sometimes lifting entire industries. While the insurance industry of China has most definitely not been lifted by demographics


Is China on the Verge of Becoming a Cashless Society?

Finding out that China was the first nation to introduce banknotes comes a surprise to many and it tends to come as even more of a surprise for the average Western observer to hear that yes, China is genuinely on the verge of becoming a cashless society, with over two-thirds of its citizens having switched


Retiring in China… Are Retirees a (Financial) Force or Threat?

Those of you who are familiar with the United States demographic landscape know all too well how the “Baby Boomer” generation that consists of individuals who have either retired or are retiring is shaping the economy. Across the US, entire sectors are adapting to the present as well as future needs of the generation in


China’s Luxury Goods Market: Facts vs. Misconceptions

Misunderstandings abound when it comes to all things China-related. For example, through previous ChinaFund.com articles, we’ve highlighted many manufacturing-related ones, for example the (grossly outdated) idea that China can only put low-quality, low value-added products on the table. Similar outdated stereotypical thinking examples also pertain to the Chinese consumer. To put it differently, China has


(How/Why) Is China Different? “Investor Culture Shock” Explained

On a superficial level, we know or think we know that there can be differences between nations. But do we meaningfully internalize this reality or limit ourselves to superficially acknowledging it? When it comes to most Western investors and their attitude toward China, the latter tends to be much closer to reality. In other words,