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From Fake News Originating from China to… Fake News Targeting China

One of the main reasons behind our decision of launching ChinaFund.com and turning it into the comprehensive information source it is shaping up to become was represented by the worrying degree to which misinformation, half-truths and even downright fake news is spreading. This reality, in the context of the volatile (from more than one perspective)


China-Related Conspiracy Theories: Motivation, Interpretation, Substance… and Lack Thereof

This is a topic we believe needs to be addressed thoroughly because as an investor in Chinese assets or someone who is thinking about gaining exposure to Chinese assets, you are literally bombarded with more or less reasonable scenarios pertaining to China, many of which venture well into conspiracy theory territory. Right from the beginning,


The United States and China in a Cold War 2.0 Context?

More and more market observers are using terms such as ”Cold War 2.0” to describe a potential trajectory with respect to the obvious tensions between China and the United States. This discussion gives the ChinaFund.com team a reasonable enough context to make one of its viewpoints perfectly clear: it might be wise to stop imagining


Will China Always Be Commodity-Hungry? Commodities from a Chinese Perspective

It is pretty much impossible to be a commodity trader or otherwise in the commodity business without having a firm grasp on “all things China” for the simple reason that Chinese demand has been the number one variable in the commodity equation for an extended period of time. Entire commodity-oriented business models have been built


Is China’s Economic Growth Hurting Other Countries?

When it comes to matters of economics, the ChinaFund.com team firmly believes it is crucial to take a certain topic that perhaps asks a surface-level question and gradually dig deeper, until the root issue is finally addressed. By now, it should be obvious to anyone who hasn’t been living under a proverbial rock that tensions


What If China’s Economy Stagnates? Economic Stagnation Scenarios Explored

Many investors are so accustomed to the idea that China’s economy has been “hot” (impressive YOY GDP growth rates, for example) for decades that they find the very idea that it might eventually stagnate apocalyptic. Would scenarios involving economic stagnation be catastrophic for China? Perhaps, but not necessarily. To be more precise, it would be


From Petrodollar to… Petroyuan?

What makes a currency valuable? In the past, the value of a currency was largely derived from the fact that it was fully backed by precious metals. Precious metals which are scarce and possess a wide range of properties that made them a solid choice from a monetary perspective at that point in time. The


China and the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Whenever we are dealing with let’s call them “hot” assets (and yes, Chinese assets most definitely fit this description), greed tends to kick in and determine market participants to get ahead of themselves with respect to gaining exposure to the assets in question. The term “FOMO” (Fear Of Missing Out) is quite relevant in this


Can (Chinese) Asset Prices Be Manipulated?

Whether we are referring to low-liquidity markets such as cryptocurrencies, more liquid ones such as certain Chinese assets and even ultra-liquid markets like the S&P 500 or foreign exchange pairs, discussions or better stated controversies surrounding the manipulation of the asset(s) in question abound, usually manipulation involving either one extremely well-funded entity (or “whale”) or


Oil Price Shocks from the Perspective of China’s Short, Mid and Long-Term Goals

As mentioned in our article about stagflation risks in China and elsewhere, this phenomenon became (in)famous in the seventies and eighties over in the United States but other nations were anything but immune. In a nutshell, some countries found themselves in a bit of an economic predicament in light of the fact that they had