

Putting the “B” in BRICS: China and Brazil

Brazil-China relations can be tracked all the way back to 1812 but ended up being frozen in 1949, once the People’s Republic of China was created, as was the case with other nations as well. However, approximately a quarter of a century later, they were re-established, with Brazil opening an embassy in Beijing and China


China and South Africa: A Strategic Comprehensive Partnership

It is about time to give a fair bit of attention to the economic and geopolitical relations between China and South Africa. After all, we have covered the China – BRICS dimension through a dedicated article on the one hand and on the other hand, we have also analyzed the relationship between China and two


What If China’s Economy Stagnates? Economic Stagnation Scenarios Explored

Many investors are so accustomed to the idea that China’s economy has been “hot” (impressive YOY GDP growth rates, for example) for decades that they find the very idea that it might eventually stagnate apocalyptic. Would scenarios involving economic stagnation be catastrophic for China? Perhaps, but not necessarily. To be more precise, it would be


China’s Persian Gulf Interests or Why China Wants (Needs?) Peace

China wants peace in the Persian Gulf. It does sound like a rather amusing statement in light of the fact that, especially when it comes to the Donald Trump administration, China tends to be portrayed as the #1 adversary of the West, of human rights, of freedom or yes, even ultimately peace. While it is


China in the Context of a US-Iran-Centered Global Military Conflict

The assassination of Quassem Soleimani represents yet another piece in a (complex but coherent once you make sense of it) regional puzzle and the more pieces are added, the more we realize that a picture of a conflict between the US and Iran is being painted, with the many ramifications this brings about when other


China’s Interest(s) in the Strait of Hormuz from a 2020 US-Iran Conflict Perspective

It should come as no surprise that our readers are seeking clarity when it comes to many Iran-related aspects in light of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani and its consequences, with questions on their mind such as: How is Iran likely to retaliate? Will this retaliation be a calculated, tactical one, or something asymmetrical? How


China and Iran: From Silk Road Partners to Modern-Day Geopolitical Considerations

Normally, this post would have been scheduled for later this year (most likely toward the end of 2020) but for obvious reasons, Iran is in the spotlight and as such, it makes sense to put the economic (and otherwise) relationships between China and Iran under the microscope sooner rather than later. Right off the bat,


Gambling in China? Demand, Legislative Landscape and Solutions

Yes, gambling is illegal in China and technically speaking, any form of gambling has been outlawed since the Communist Party of China took over back in 1949. As such, at this point in time, anything from playing poker among friends with anything other than “make-pretend” money to gambling online is prohibited and punishable by law.


“Gamers” in China: The Remarkable Growth of China’s Online Gaming Sector

With an impressive $4.25 billion in gaming-related revenue projected for 2020 (a 0.8% YOY growth rate) and roughly 325 million gamers (a 2.1% YOY growth rate), it should come as no surprise that the stakes are remarkably high when it comes to China’s online gaming industry, in light of it representing the global leader in


Hyperinflation in China: Legitimate Threat or Unrealistic Scenario?

Hyperinflation represents one of the scenarios which makes investors tremble, with individuals imagining themselves pushing wheelbarrows full of paper currency to buy a loaf of bread. Scenes from Zimbabwe begin flooding their minds, with its (in)famous one hundred trillion dollar note or from Germany, with one US dollar going from being worth 4.2 marks prior