Current Affairs


China and the World Health Organization: From Conspiracies to Facts

Right off the bat, we want to make it clear that when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization has made absolutely terrible mistakes, from downplaying the danger associated with the virus at the very beginning to the confusing attitude when it comes to recommending (or not recommending) masks and the list


Working from Home in 2020 and Beyond: Is China Prepared for This (Potential) Mega-Trend?

The COVID-19 pandemic has, without a doubt, meaningfully altered human behavior and from a strictly economic perspective, as it pretty much always happens, there have been both winners and losers in the business world. One category of winners is represented by platforms that facilitate working from home in one way or another such as the


Are There “Winners” of the 2020 Crisis?

2020 has most definitely been a depressing year for the overwhelming majority of individuals, with political leaders and business owners for the most part not representing exceptions. However, “for the most part” is the operative term because time and time again, there are so-called antifragile businesses as Nassim Taleb calls them or in other words,


What the Covid-19 Episode Taught Us About China’s Healthcare System: Pros, Cons, Mistakes and Success Stories

From a wide range of perspectives, the COVID-19 episode can be considered an “Aha!” moment or, in other words, it taught us a series of (mostly harsh) lessons about the healthcare systems of various countries. The negatives have most definitely been in the spotlight, especially negatives associated with healthcare systems which were perceived as cutting


Will China Hop on the Post-Pandemic Currency Creation Trend?

As pretty much anyone with at the very least basic economic know-how can confirm, our globalized as well as (or especially) over-leveraged economic system isn’t exactly “built” to withstand shocks such as a significant recession. To understand or even internalize this quasi-axiom, we would recommend simply heading over to a GDP evolution chart and taking


From Economic Lockdown to… Great Depression?

Nowadays, it seems that every expert and his dog is predicting a Great Depression and this fact alone should make it clear that perhaps it would be wise to think things through a bit more carefully. Time and time again, the team has explained that while stereotypes have played and continue to play a


The “Deflation Followed by Inflation” Scenario for China and… Well, Everyone Else

It would perhaps be the understatement of the (21st) century that investors find it difficult to reconcile the fact that central banking policies have been “unorthodox” (extremely aggressive) for a very extended period of time with the fact that despite this aggressiveness, inflation problems haven’t surfaced. If anything, governments and central banks have been tacking


Potential Inflationary Covid-19 Effects in China and Elsewhere?

As an economist, you are taking on a great deal of professional risk by even pronouncing “the i-word” (inflation) at this point in time, the risk of being publicly ridiculed due to the fact that the status quo revolves so heavily around combating the exact opposite of inflation (on dealing with deflationary forces) that the


China in a Post-Pandemic Geopolitical Framework: Global Solidarity vs. Isolationism

Something as devastating as a pandemic inevitably brings about economic consequences that can be remarkably difficult to identify… at least at the beginning. To make matters worse, the covid-19 pandemic also made “globalized” supply chain weaknesses as well as over-optimization (for example, business models which revolve around “production on demand” rather than expensive and logistically


Does China Consider Joe Biden a “Desirable” President?

This much is certain: while many Americans are quick to dismiss Joe Biden as yet another “mainstream” candidate who wants to do little more than preserve the status quo due to his let’s say centrist allure (compared to both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, two candidates who have made disrupting the system the focal point