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China’s Pre-Reform Import Timeline: From Silk Road to 20th Century

As mentioned in our “brief” economic history of China post, let’s just say the Chinese have never been all that fond of foreigners. For the most part, they considered them inferior “barbarians” (a commonly-used term) that needed to be kept at bay. However, this doesn’t mean no trade whatsoever existed, not at all. As of


Demographic Trends in China Over (Almost) Half a Century

Over the past let’s say 40 years, much like most of the other aspects associated with China, there have been quite a few noteworthy developments when it comes to demographic trends, with implications when it comes to anything from education and family consumption habits to tourism and the pension system. In the 60s, China’s birth


China’s Positive Impact on the World in 7 (Recent) Examples

When it comes to a lot of media outlets (the overwhelming majority), it’s a well-known fact that controversy sells and that negative news or analysis tends to improve ratings. As such, while we tend to hear a lot about the things that are less than stellar in China, far less attention is given to the


China and the Internet of Things (… of Everything, Really)

A common theme here on ChinaFund.com is making it clear that the image of a country that’s dependent on the exports of low value-added products has nothing to do with 21st century China because: It’s no longer as dependent on exports, with over two thirds of its GDP being internal consumption-driven China is the global


Is China’s Economy Slowing Down?

China’s 2018 GDP ended up reaching 90 trillion Yuan (slightly over $13 trillion), a 6.6% YOY growth which represents the slowest pace since 1990. For 2019, the growth rate is estimated to be in the 6% to 6.5% zone. While these percentages may seem impressive by Western standards, they are not as impressive if one


The Current State of China – US Relations

One might say that Richard Nixon’s 1972 China visit represented the first brick in a China – US international relations dynamic that expanded dramatically as of Deng Xiaoping’s term. For the most part, it can be considered a success story due to its combination between competition and cooperation. However… things are most definitely trickier in


China’s 2018 Economic Numbers and Outlook/Targets for 2019

After a 6.6% growth rate for 2018 (an almost three-decade low), China aims for an economic growth rate in the 6% to 6.5% zone and while this may seem less than impressive compared to the numbers of the past, it’s important to understand that the authorities are interested in transitioning to a more sustainable pace


The Top 5 Fastest-Growing Sectors in China: Some Might Surprise You!

Right off the bat, it’s important to make it clear that one of our most important goals at ChinaFund.com is making it clear that a lot of the things people considered quasi-axioms about China have either always been wrong or they were at one point correct but are no longer accurate. As such, you might


A Brief Economic History of China

Starting an economic adventure in China as an investor without at the very least having a firm grasp on the very basics of its economic history would be a foolish mistakes. To that effect, I always encourage potential investors to start by analyzing the Angus Maddison database, which tracks the percentage of the world’s GDP


Can China’s GDP Keep Growing?

One of the most common concerns I come across during discussions concerning China’s impressive GDP growth track record is the fact that perhaps there’s just no longer all that much room to grow. And, sure, it’s understandable why this concern exists. Think about the fact that on the very homepage of this website, it’s written