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Is China Still an “Emerging” or “Developing” Country?

Whenever there is a lot of money involved, even aspects such as national pride become less important and the issue of whether or not China should be considered an “emerging” or “developing” country is perhaps a textbook example. Think of it as Asian “Realpolitik” or, in other words, China’s way of trying to get the


The Belt and Road Initiative in a Nutshell

Up until 2016, it was called the OBOR (One Belt One Road) Strategy, whereas nowadays, we refer to it as the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). To avoid misunderstandings, the word “one” was eliminated from the equation and “strategy” was replaced by “initiative” to avoid making other geopolitical players suspicious. Regardless of the name we


China’s Leadership Role(s) in a Potentially Multi-Polar World

Whether we like/accept it or not, the world is moving toward a multi-polar leadership framework as opposed to the US-centric one we have today. Why? Simply because there are many forces pushing the world in such as direction rather than there just being one reason which explains everything, forces such as: The United States itself


Hu Jintao’s Conservative Balance-Oriented Leadership of China

Jiang Zemin left behind a China of contradictions in many respects. On the one hand, a nation that had experienced impressive economic growth but on the other hand, the frequently unsustainable nature of that economic growth came with its own set of problems, from externalities such as pollution to ideological inconsistencies (with many members of


Why You Should Care About the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

If you ask 10 relatively politico-economically literate individuals what NATO is, it is quite probable that 8 or 9 will know. Ask the same people what the SCO is and more likely than not, you’ll be on the receiving end of 10 shrugs. Yet despite its less than stellar notoriety outside diplomatic circles and despite


The (Surprising) Rule of Jiang Zemin

The term of Jiang Zemin, the let’s say successor of Deng Xiaoping, is fascinating to observe not because he has a similar legacy to put on the table (hint: he doesn’t) but rather because he was someone who was able to make the most of the cards he was dealt politically and as such, his


Does China Have a Transparency Problem?

Our main goal here at ChinaFund.com is to be frank with respect to both the pros and cons associated with China. While we firmly stand behind our baseline assumption that China is poised to dominate the global economy in ways few analysts anticipate over the course of the next decades, it’s important to understand that


Deng Xiaoping and the Modernization(s) of China

As mentioned in our article about Mao Zedong, an attitude shift with respect to the proverbial West started taking place near Mao’s death but it was a fairly… well, let’s call it modest one. Not only was it modest, the reasons behind it were less related to the intention of embarking on a journey toward


China During the Mao Zedong Era

If one had to describe Mao Zedong using just two words, “the ideologue” would most likely be the number one choice… with pros but unfortunately also cons deriving from his strongly ideology-driven approach to ruling China. To put things into perspective, Mao Zedong’s attitude when Nikita Khrushchev came to power in the USSR (following Stalin’s


Reforms in China: A Quick Timeline

There are quite a few articles about reforms or articles about other topics but which mention one reform or another here on ChinaFund.com. For the sake of clarity and seeing the big picture, it would perhaps be wise to glance over a quick timeline when it comes to significant events/reforms in China. While by no