Investing in China


Doubling Down or Cutting Your Losses When Investing in or Trading Chinese Assets

This much is certain: let’s call them “Chinese assets” to use a very broad term represent an asset class about which people tend to have very strong feelings, one way or another. When using the term Chinese assets, we are referring to assets that stand to do well if China itself does well economically, anything


Trading Chinese Assets… Over-The-Counter (OTC)?

As mentioned in previous articles, it is becoming easier and easier for the average investor to gain exposure to Chinese assets. In the US for example, there are even over 100 Chinese companies listed on Nasdaq and while things aren’t necessarily as straightforward in other jurisdictions, let’s just say impressive progress is being made across


(China-Based and Foreign) Market Makers for Chinese Assets: The Good, Bad and Potentially Ugly

As mentioned in the article through which we have put the brokerage dimension of China’s financial services sector under the microscope, foreign investors aren’t always flocking toward Chinese assets such as stocks, not at this point at least, for reasons which vary wildly and go well beyond the scope of this post. Suffice it to


Choosing a Broker in China and Beyond: Chinese Brokerage Myths Dispelled

China has developed such a track record with respect to being let’s say opaque over its multi-millennia history that this inevitably gave birth to myths which are no longer relevant when it comes to 2020 realities. One such “brokerage myth” revolves around China not wanting foreigners to own Chinese assets and yes, there is some


Scalping vs. Day Trading vs. Swing Trading vs. Position Trading Chinese Assets

The title is quite a mouthful and the bottom line is this: the more popular China started becoming as an investment destination and the more market participants started paying attention to Chinese assets, the more the average investor became interested in various strategies pertaining to making money by investing in all things China. Some of


Types of Investors in Chinese Assets – A (Not So) Brief Overview

Just like with pretty much any other asset class, there is immense variety when it comes to categories of market participants who invest in Chinese assets. You can think of this article as an exercise with respect to getting to know your fellow market participants, it is ultimately up to you whether you see it


Investing in (Today’s) China from a Contrarian Perspective

To clarify this aspect right from the beginning, a contrarian investor is someone who doesn’t mind trading against the proverbial crowd and, on the contrary (pun intended), builds his entire investment model around identifying instances in which the market is so wrong that asymmetrical opportunities pertaining to “betting” against it present themselves. In an ideal


China in a Negative Interest Rate Environment

Some observers like to more or less jokingly point out that we are living, from a monetary perspective at least, in a bit of an economic twilight zone in light of the fact that in terms of (one again, especially monetary) policy, we are most definitely in what can be considered uncharted territory. To put


United States Pre-2020 Stock Market Euphoria from China’s Perspective

For many US stock market observers and especially participants, “panic” seemed to be a term long-forgotten prior to 2020’s developments. Indeed, the days of Mortgage-Backed Securities and other toxic financial products bringing the worldwide (rather than US-only) financial system to its knees seemed to be behind us, with stock markets flirting with all-time highs and


Diminishing Returns in China… and the West?

We aren’t going to refer to “diminishing returns” in the microeconomic sense (as a decrease in the marginal output correlated with an incremental increase of a single factor of production) but rather in a broader manner, by taking a look at just how much of an increase in credit-fueled firepower is necessary to maintain economic