International Relations


From Fake News Originating from China to… Fake News Targeting China

One of the main reasons behind our decision of launching and turning it into the comprehensive information source it is shaping up to become was represented by the worrying degree to which misinformation, half-truths and even downright fake news is spreading. This reality, in the context of the volatile (from more than one perspective)


The United States and China in a Cold War 2.0 Context?

More and more market observers are using terms such as ”Cold War 2.0” to describe a potential trajectory with respect to the obvious tensions between China and the United States. This discussion gives the team a reasonable enough context to make one of its viewpoints perfectly clear: it might be wise to stop imagining


Is China’s Economic Growth Hurting Other Countries?

When it comes to matters of economics, the team firmly believes it is crucial to take a certain topic that perhaps asks a surface-level question and gradually dig deeper, until the root issue is finally addressed. By now, it should be obvious to anyone who hasn’t been living under a proverbial rock that tensions


From Petrodollar to… Petroyuan?

What makes a currency valuable? In the past, the value of a currency was largely derived from the fact that it was fully backed by precious metals. Precious metals which are scarce and possess a wide range of properties that made them a solid choice from a monetary perspective at that point in time. The


(Why) Is China a Peaceful Soft Power?

An alternative title for this article could have also been “Is China (still) a peaceful soft power?” or “Why is China (still) a peaceful soft power?” for those who are more convinced, because the key to understanding the message we are trying to get across revolves around realizing that despite China’s impressive GDP, it is


China’s Persian Gulf Interests or Why China Wants (Needs?) Peace

China wants peace in the Persian Gulf. It does sound like a rather amusing statement in light of the fact that, especially when it comes to the Donald Trump administration, China tends to be portrayed as the #1 adversary of the West, of human rights, of freedom or yes, even ultimately peace. While it is


China in the Context of a US-Iran-Centered Global Military Conflict

The assassination of Quassem Soleimani represents yet another piece in a (complex but coherent once you make sense of it) regional puzzle and the more pieces are added, the more we realize that a picture of a conflict between the US and Iran is being painted, with the many ramifications this brings about when other


China’s Relationship with Afghanistan, Iraq and Other Volatile Nations in the Context of US-Iran Tensions

This much is certain: after 9/11, the United States has embarked on a very aggressive geopolitical journey, one with a remarkably high price tag attached to it, a price which did result in geopolitical benefits but… well, highly volatile ones. For the most part, these benefits revolve around the dominance of the petrodollar or, to


The Chinese Implications of Qasem Soleimani’s Death: Geopolitical Black Swan Event?

On more than one occasion here at, we have made it clear that while let’s call it linear (economic) threat analysis certainly has its merits and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with looking at the most obvious threats, black swan events deserve our attention as well and Qasem Soleimani’s death is an example


The United States – Iran (Economic and Military) Conflict from the Perspective of China

Please note that that this article refers strictly to the recent US – Iran conflict, a conflict which followed the assassination of Quasem Soleimani. Before getting started, it would be recommended to familiarize yourself with the economic relationship between the China and the United States on the one hand (covered through a dedicated ChinaFund article