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China and Tangible Assets: Culture. Pragmatism. Context.

Why are we dedicating an article to tangible asset in the context of 2020’s developments? Let’s just say that in the opinion of the ChinaFund.com team, what is happening in 2020 represents a textbook scenario which makes it clear why tangible assets are desirable, a compelling argument in favor of including them in pretty much


Post-2020 Investment Trends and Their Long-Term Ramifications

In a previous article, we have explained that the developments which have taken the world by storm in 2020 will inevitably alter consumption trends, both in China and abroad. The same way, the “medicine” prescribed quasi-unanimously by central banks from all around the world (unprecedented monetary as well as fiscal stimulus, unprecedented both in terms


Post-2020 Consumption Trends and How They Risk Affecting China

As an investor who is interested in gaining exposure to Chinese assets or already has a portfolio which contains Chinese assets, perhaps the number one mistake you need to avoid in 2020 and beyond revolves around under-estimating the magnitude of post-2020 consumption trends. The ChinaFund.com team cannot help but feel frustrated when coming across comments


How Realistic Are Peaceful US – China Supremacy Transition Scenarios?

As mentioned rather frequently here at ChinaFund.com, pretty much any intellectually honest market observer with a firm grasp on the very basics in terms of arithmetic can determine that more likely than not, it is only a matter of time until China surpasses the United State, at least in terms of nominal GDP. Furthermore, as


Is China or the West Better-Positioned to Recover Economically After the 2020 Shock?

On more than one occasion, China’s successful containment measures have been presented as a significant victory, oftentimes in stark contrast to the manner in which the proverbial West has tackled the COVID-19 problem. Compared to China, it goes without saying that the West has been slower and less firm to react, with the costs proving


Can China “Print” Its Way to Prosperity? What About… Everyone Else?

In a previous article, we have explained that despite what some economists claim to be a “new paradigm” of central banking, there is a limit as to just how low interest rates can go. Simply put, while savers are willing to tolerate low or even slightly negative interest rates for reasons which range from convenience


How Low Can Interest Rates Go in China and the West?

The overwhelming majority of economists (yours truly included) who recommended preparing for the next financial/economic calamity in the aftermath of the Great Recession (I for one have even written a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling book on the topic back in 2018, The Age of Anomaly) have suspected to the point of being


Using Leverage When Trading Chinese Assets: Pros, Cons and Everything In-Between

The availability of leverage is, to use the most cliché of clichés, both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, the profit maximization potential is most definitely undeniable, with fortunes having been made time and time again by trading Chinese assets or any asset class for that matter using leverage. Unfortunately, it’s not


Money on the Sidelines: The Implications of Indecisiveness in China and the West

2020’s realities, from an economic perspective, seem peculiar to say the least in light of the many powerful contradictory forces that are influencing human activity at the same time. In the spotlight, we have the COVID-19 (of course) implications which are heavily deflationary. Contrary to what happened with the Great Recession, where a financial crisis


Are There “Winners” of the 2020 Crisis?

2020 has most definitely been a depressing year for the overwhelming majority of individuals, with political leaders and business owners for the most part not representing exceptions. However, “for the most part” is the operative term because time and time again, there are so-called antifragile businesses as Nassim Taleb calls them or in other words,