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Will China Ever Respect Human Rights by Western Standards?

Whenever such sensitive topics pop up, authors are tempted to start an article with a highly nuanced first paragraph, usually one which explains how complex and open to interpretation from various angles a certain topic is. When it comes to this article, in the spirit of being blunt to the point of brutally honest, we


Just How Dependent Is China on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?

Time and time again, headlines surrounding various points of tension between the United States and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) pop up, with experts fervently commenting on one aspect or another of this equation but oftentimes ignoring the elephant in the room: the fact that at this point in time and most likely


Will PIIGS Fly? China’s Relationship With Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain

Few things scare markets more than deflationary crashes such as the 2007-2008 Great Recession but sovereign default scenarios most definitely do. Why? Simply because the status quo in terms of public discourse revolved around sovereigns being foolproof for an extended period of time, with occasional “Twilight Zone” situations such as ultra-vulnerable nations like Spain (which


Why It’s Time to Give Investing in China a Second Look

The fact that the Chinese economy has been growing at a steady and consistent pace has been the elephant in the room for a few years now. Usually, it’s met with an aggressive defense that the U.S. is still the top dog, economically speaking. We believe that it’s high time investing in China is given


China – UAE (United Arab Emirates) Relations Under the Microscope

Established back in 1984, it should come as any surprise to those familiar with let’s call them geopolitical realities that China – UAE relations have developed in a straightforward and positive manner, with the two pillars of this evolution being represented by the fact that: The trade dimension makes sense, with China for example being


China and Canada: Human Rights vs. Trade?

Trade with China has represented enough of an interest for Canada that even back in 1961, Canada’s prime minister at that point (John Diefenbaker) granted Canadian farmers access to China’s significant market despite the fact that diplomatic relations had not yet been established. As was the case with pretty much every other nation, diplomatic relations

Chinese man with mask looking at his phone.

Here Are 7 Ways You Need to Know That China’s Economy Is Changing with COVID-19

Over six months after China detected the first cases of the novel coronavirus, the world remains embroiled in this pandemic. So far, China has fared reasonably well, having comparatively few deaths and an astonishingly low number of cases (although, there are some in the Western intelligence communities that have questioned these numbers). Regardless of what


The China – Mexico – United States Triangular Relationship: 1/5 of Worldwide Commerce and the Story Behind It

From many perspectives, China and Mexico can be considered competitors, especially when it comes to their goal of securing as much in terms of US market share for their exports as possible. Needless to say, it would be a “bit” of an understatement to point out that Mexico is highly dependent on the United States,


Understanding China FUD: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

It is quote common for there to be a quasi-permanent battle on all fronts between bears (those who believe a certain asset is overvalued and that prices will go down) and bulls (those who believe the exact opposite, that a certain asset will go up in value). Some bulls and bears have no skin in


“Predicting” Tops and Bottoms: Does Time in the (Chinese) Market Beat Timing the Market?

It is oftentimes considered quasi-axiomatic that “time in” the market (having exposure to certain assets) beats “timing” the market, in other words beats trying to predict tops and bottoms. Some market participants swear by this adage, others roll their eyes due to considering it so overly-used that it lost all substance. What does the ChinaFund.com