China Imports


Will China Always Be Commodity-Hungry? Commodities from a Chinese Perspective

It is pretty much impossible to be a commodity trader or otherwise in the commodity business without having a firm grasp on “all things China” for the simple reason that Chinese demand has been the number one variable in the commodity equation for an extended period of time. Entire commodity-oriented business models have been built


Oil Price Shocks from the Perspective of China’s Short, Mid and Long-Term Goals

As mentioned in our article about stagflation risks in China and elsewhere, this phenomenon became (in)famous in the seventies and eighties over in the United States but other nations were anything but immune. In a nutshell, some countries found themselves in a bit of an economic predicament in light of the fact that they had


China and Modern-Day (Post-Reform) Imports: From Bumpy Road to Culture-Altering Phenomenon

December of 1978 marks a momentous occasion, with China’s reforms finally giving foreign players reasonable access to its domestic market and as of 1979, major companies starting taking advantage of the fact that imports were allowed by China, with Japan’s Panasonic, the US companies IBM as well as Coca-Cola and French Pierre Cardin being among


China’s Pre-Reform Import Timeline: From Silk Road to 20th Century

As mentioned in our “brief” economic history of China post, let’s just say the Chinese have never been all that fond of foreigners. For the most part, they considered them inferior “barbarians” (a commonly-used term) that needed to be kept at bay. However, this doesn’t mean no trade whatsoever existed, not at all. As of