Our Blog


The (Potential) Effects of Covid-19 Panic on the Chinese Economy

As mentioned on other occasions, our expertise pertains to matters of economics and as such, we will not formulate opinions when it comes to the medical dimension. What we will (try to) make clear, however, is that the economic dimension is also worthy of our attention, especially in light of the arguably unprecedented fiscal stimulus


Margin Called When Trading Chinese Assets: What to Do?

In a previous article, we have made it clear or at least tried to make it clear that for Chinese assets at least, riding trading positions until liquidation is not exactly the wisest of approaches. Before continuing with this post, we would strongly recommend reading the article in question by clicking HERE and, in a


Internet Security In China And How It Impacts U.S. Companies

Internet security in China is drastically different than in the United States. The two cultures have very different ideas of what is and isn’t allowed. This can create a lot of issues for American companies that want to do business in China (especially those which deal with technology or the internet). As an investor, it’s


Going Down with the Ship as a Strategy: Should You Trade Chinese Assets Until Liquidation?

Broadly speaking, trade management options tend to be in a spectrum between two extremes when it comes to Chinese assets… or pretty much anything else, for that matter, with those extremes being: On the one hand, the option of entering a trade and setting clear price points at which you will exit (stop-loss orders through


10 Things To Consider Before Investing In China

If you’ve frequented our blog (or come across other similar ones) then you’re probably aware that China represents one of the best investment opportunities in the world today. We’d go as far as to label China as the best opportunity for growth thus far in the 2000s. That being stated, before jumping on the train,


“Organic Growth” of Chinese Assets?

One of the most over-used terms in the world of trading and/or investment is most definitely the “organic growth” one, especially in light of the fact that it tends to be used in a very… let’s call it self-serving manner. Before continuing, it is worth pointing out yet again that to be a successful investor/trader


13 of the Most Recent Chinese IPOs

One of the most exciting places to start investing is when a company is first made available for the general public. This is especially true for Chinese companies because it will be the first time that these companies are open to foreign investors. If you’re considering investing in China, it’s definitely worth checking out some


Discipline When Investing in China: Buying and Selling… With a Plan

In a previous article, we have explained that Chinese assets can get quite volatile, with the pros as well as cons associated with said volatility, anything from pros such as the trading opportunities potentially brought about by wild price swings to cons such as the fact that over-leveraged positions are much more easily wiped out


US Companies With a Large Presence in China

The United States and Chinese economies are becoming so intertwined with each other that it can be difficult to know where one begins and the other ends. U.S. companies have long enjoyed the cheap cost of manufacturing goods in China as well as the various opportunities associated with catering to the needs of 1.4 billion


Volatility in China: Are Chinese Assets (Overly) Volatile?

Let us not beat around the bush: Chinese assets can be extremely volatile and as 2020’s price action when it comes to pretty much all asset classes made clear, it hardly represents the only asset category susceptible to extreme volatility. It just so happens that just like with everything else, there tends to be a